
TokenUnlocks is a Data Analytics dashboard platform for both on-chain and off-chain data, enabling users to monitor vested tokens and notify them of upcoming unlock events. We aggregate vesting and tokenomics data from all verifiable sources such as directly from the smart contract, from the whitepaper, etc.

We provide users with actionable insights with our platform, helping users make better decisions.

Our goal is to capture valuable data and illustrate it in the simplest way.

  • Which token will be unlocked?

  • When will it be unlocked?

  • How much of it will be unlocked?

We also provide other actionable data such as investor allocation, supply schedule and wallet tracking to help retail investors have the same level of transparency as the institutional investors.

To access the app visit : https://token.unlocks.app/

Last updated

Change request #124: Elite API Docs - Aug 20 changes