
A Guide to using TokenUnlocks' API.

To access TokenUnlocks' API visit here.


This guide details the API, which provides access to comprehensive time series data for available crypto tokens. For more information on our API offerings, please visit here or reach out to us on the TokenUnlocks Official Telegram or via email (support@token.unlocks.app).

API Datasets

By purchasing API plan, you will receive access to the following time series data:

Details of Dataset per Plan:

  • Standard API Plan: (1 Year Historical, 2 Years Future Data)

  • Elite API Plan: (2 Year Historical, 3 Years Future Data)

  • Custom Plan: For longer timeframes or additional datasets, please contact support@token.unlocks.app for a customized solution.

All data provided through all TokenUnlocks' plans is intended for personal or non-commercial use only.

DatasetsDefinitionStandard APIElite APIAPI Endpoint

Historical Emission

Historical Emission (Weekly Granularity)

1 Year

2 Years

Emission API

Future Emission

Projected Emission (Weekly Granularity)

2 Years

3 Years

Emission API

Unlocked Allocation

Detailed unlocked Allocations breakdown

All Tokens

All Tokens

Allocations API

Standard Allocation

TokenUnlocks' allocation methodology for a comparable standard

All Tokens

All Tokens

Allocations API

Unlock Events

Events containing new tokens to be unlocked (Cliff Unlocks, Linear Unlocks Start Event)


+60 Days Forward

Unlock Events API

Daily Future Emission

Projected Emission (Daily Granularity)


+60 Days Forward, Daily Granularity

Daily Emission

To get started, call the Token List API to acquire tokenID and initiate the necessary API endpoints to retrieve the rest of the data.

All Timeframe provided is in UTC+00


  1. Token List API (Start Here)

  2. Unlock Events API (Elite API)

  3. Daily Emission API (Elite API)

Visit each API endpoint page for more details and data example.

Last updated

Change request #124: Elite API Docs - Aug 20 changes