
Before using this site, please make sure that you note the following important information.

At Tokenomist, we strive to provide the most accurate information possible by leveraging publicly available references for each token. We believe in empowering our users with knowledge while maintaining clear update policies with project teams to uphold our integrity and trust of our users. DAOSurv and its related products are not registered investment, legal, tax advisor, or broker/dealer companies. Any data we provide through any of our both official or unofficial, including tokenomist.ai, social media, Twitter, or telegram is from our internal research, contributed by the community, from the project team, and from various sources. All data is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, financial advice. Nothing is Financial Advice. It is intended as educational material. Though we made our best efforts to deliver the information to be as accurate and up to date, occasionally unintended errors and misprints may occur due to the dynamic nature of crypto and the unstructured standard of its data. However, we are very happy to make any changes in reported and verifiable data. For data updates and changes please refer to our data update policy.

  1. Data Source: All data provided on Tokenomist are sourced from available information on on-chain data, white paper, privately sourced information, and public docs.

  2. Unlocks Schedule Precision: The countdown timer and all data on Tokenomist is an estimate based on Tokenomist’s best effort information only, and unlocks date may vary due to multiple reasons. Please refer to data precision section on site to get a more detailed explanation on each token’s unlock date.

  3. Data Reliability and Accountability: While we strive for the utmost accuracy in the data provided on our platform, we are not accountable for discrepancies or inaccuracies within the data.

  4. Data Discrepancies: As Tokenomist obtain more references from project documentation or smart contracts, we will promptly update the data to reflect the most accurate and up-to-date information according to our data update policy.

  5. Project Team Requests for Data Updates: Tokenomist may engage with project teams for data verifications and clarifications, or source private information that may not be available within the public docs. Data sourced from project teams will be updated according to our data update policy.

  6. Non-Financial Advice: The data provided by Tokenomist is not financial advice and should be used for research and educational purposes only. Users should conduct their own research and consider multiple sources before making any financial decisions. Tokenomist does not hold any accountability for any losses of investment funds.

By adhering to these principles, Tokenomist aims to deliver reliable and transparent information to our users and ensure that our platform remains a trusted resource in the community.

To understand more about Tokenomist data precision please visit Precision & Assumptionpage.

Last updated