💻TokenUnlocks API

This documentation is for API tier subscribers. To access Token Unlocks API tier, please visit here.

Track Unlocks, Uncover Future Supply

TokenUnlocks helps individuals and institutions make faster data-driven decisions though simplified data.

The TokenUnlocks API provides an ability to foresee the estimated long-term token supply and its allocations. It will allow researchers and analysts to be able to stay ahead of the market and plan properly for future supply. The API aggregates released supply on a weekly basis, projected 2 years forward and 1 year backward. Including last update date of each token since the data is dynamic and changes through time from either team decisions or DAO Governance.

TokenUnlocks collected and aggregated data from both on-chain and off-chain sources. You can see our Methodology.

Users can query data with their designated API key, which can be found on the Profile page. Read more detail about API tier here

Last updated